Alcohol Treatment & Recovery Using Hypnotherapy

Alcohol treatment and recovery from alcoholism using hypnosis can be a very effective and affordable method for  individuals to get their life back from their drinking habit.  When using a well-designed and comprehensive hypnotherapy program, it’s possible to quit drinking more easily for about 10% of the cost of most in-patient rehab programs. If your drinking problem does not require medical detox, hypnosis can be a great solution.

When a person’s alcohol consumption begins negatively affecting one’s quality of life, it’s time to stop drinking.  Alcohol can destroy your:

  • Personal relationships
  • Job performance
  • Driving arrest record
  • Mental focus
  • Health
  • Sleep quality
  • Finances
  • Anger and temper

Once, you have made a decision to try and overcome alcoholism, you need to find the right program that can help you achieve long-term sobriety.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a method of using hypnosis as a tool to improve the effectiveness of therapy.  Hypnosis is a natural state of mind that most people enter many times throughout the day.  Those times when you feel a little zoned-out, you are probably in a light state of hypnosis.

A popular definition of hypnosis is that it is a natural state of mind, occurring when an individual’s critical and analytical mind is partially by-passed. In that state, their unconscious or subconscious mind becomes receptive to new learning’s and the power of suggestion.

The Hypnotherapist guides the subject into a deep state of relaxation.  You are not asleep or unconscious, but the general feeling is one of being awake in a dream.

In this state of mind, a person’s motivation to want to stop drinking can be greatly enhanced.  New beliefs can be created to cause an aversion to the taste and effects of alcohol.  But this is just a small part of the therapy used by the InstaCalm® Alcohol Treatment Program in San Jose, California.

This program is an example of a well-designed, step-by-step process to overcome a serious drinking problem.

How the InstaCalm® Hypnosis Alcohol Treatment Program Works?

Alcohol recovery requires many facets to be effective and long-term. The InstaCalm Alcohol Treatment Hypnotherapy Program focuses on five of these areas over 8 private sessions. They are:

  1. Alleviate anxiety, stress and any form of PTSD during the first 3 sessions. This is often the root cause of the problem from self-medicating with alcohol to deal with these mental health issues.
  2. Increase the desire to give up drinking with focus on the subject’s primary motivation to stop drinking.
  3. Create a dislike (aversion) to the taste of their preferred drink (beer, liqueur or wine) and its’ effect.
  4. Promote the belief and behavior to not drink and say, “no thank you’ in social and professional situations.
  5. Improving the individual’s self-confidence and self-esteem.

The issue of self-esteem and the repairing of a person’s self-worth can be a critical step in an alcoholic’s recovery. Many experts believe that “shame” created during early child hood experiences of fear and abuse, is often a primary cause of addictions and alcohol abuse.

The popular speaker on this topic, John Bradshaw, has given many televised lectures on what he calls, “Toxic Shame”.  He believes that these stressful memories from childhood, create a deep feeling of worthlessness which negatively affects the individual for the rest of their life’

During the first session of the InstaCalm Treatment, a technique is used to desensitize these memories. This help facilitate the giving-up of alcohol and other addictive substances.

Rehab Centers Are Expensive

There are many alcohol recovery and rehab facilities throughout the country. They offer medical detox, counseling , support groups, in lovely facilities.  The price tag on these programs can be as much as $25,000.  They are, however, sometimes partially covered by some types of health insurance.

An alcohol treatment hypnotherapy program, conducted by an experienced hypnotherapist  specializing in this area, costs around $2000.

Unless the patient really needs the features of the rehab centers, hypnosis and hypnotherapy can be a much more affordable option.