Trigger Calm-Confidence with an Anchor

Trigger Calm-Confidence With Anchoring

The term anchoring, in this case, comes from a study of an approach to communication techniques that are used for self improvement and re-engineering the human condition, called Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP). These techniques are often used to help change behavior and emotional states.

Anchoring is a process of conditioning the mind with an association between a state of mind or emotional mood, and, an external stimulus that is usually something seen, felt, heard or smelled. Once an anchor is established, the emotional state can be re-experienced by repeating the stimulus. This is called “firing” or “triggering” the anchor.

Examples of an anchor would be, hearing a piece of music that instantly brings up feelings of excitement from a teenage memory, smelling freshly baked cookies that reminds you of a happy childhood memory of love and comfort, or the creation of a “Positive Resource Anchor”, that you can use to quickly change the negative, emotional state of anxious fear, to a positive state of calm – confidence!

Here’s a simple way to anchor positive feelings to your hand so that you can trigger those feelings, whenever it’s clenched in a tight fist:

What do you feel? What do you instantly “think about”? You may use your “positive resource anchor”, by triggering it, as you begin or enter into… any situation, which, in the past, has caused you anxiety.

Here are a few examples:

When you are feeling sad: Trigger an Anchor for happiness and joy.

When you are public speaking or giving a presentation: Trigger an Anchor for calm-confidence.

When you are experiencing Flying Anxiety, Driving Anxiety, or Social Anxiety: Trigger an Anchor for calm-confidence.

Calm Your Body & Mind

Practice Relaxation Techniques

Constant “fight or flight” responses through your nervous system, wears down the body & mind. Deep relaxation helps you reduce stress & anxiety.

Breathing Technique

During anxiety attack, breathing becomes fast, shallow, and from the top of their chest (diaphragm). This creates a difficult to breath feeling.

EXERCISE Reduces Anxiety

It’s proven, that exercise reduces stress, anxiety and depression. If you’re suffering with anxiety, you wish you could take a pill and have it quickly go-away.

Take Care of Your Body (physiology)

STOP Stimulants & Alcohol! All uncomfortable feelings or symptoms of anxiety & panic are physical.

Have Fun & Hug

Engaging in intimacy will trigger the brain to release chemical “pleasure endorphins”

Change Your Mind’s Perception

Stop Worry Instantly!

Release Anticipation Anxiety in Seconds through “Time Line Therapy®”. I consider it the most powerful tool in my tool box.

Trigger Calm-Confidence with an Anchor

“Anchoring” comes from a study about self improvement, called Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP).

Stopping Anxious Thoughts

Anxious thoughts the most agonizing symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder. This amazing method will make them disappear.

Stop Panic Attacks in Seconds

When you are having an Anxiety Attack or Panic Attack, your normal, cognitive thought process is to want to try and stop it.

Improve Self Confidence

Having confidence in your ability to use techniques like these… to control & manage your anxiety is important.