Stop Stress Triggered Habits

  • CREATE A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Living for Excellence (Length 21 min.) Create a physiology with a lifestyle that keeps you more calm with this motivational hypnotic recording. Listening to this recording can help you improve your*:
  • BREAK THE HABIT! Stop Biting Your Fingernails (Length 19 min.) It’s an embarrassing habit. This guided imagery surrounds you in a “protective shield”. If your hands come towards your mouth you will stop and THINK!  You will then decide what  to do.  Your desire to have beautiful…handsome nails is enhanced to motivate your new behavior. *Results Vary
  • STOP EMOTIONAL EATING InstaCalm Binge Buster (Length 34 min.) Listen to this everyday for two weeks to help you control your emotional/stress eating habit. * Results Vary
  • QUIT SMOKING TODAY! Complete Smoking Cessation Program You probably know someone who has stopped smoking with hypnosis. Thousands of men and women have been successful. This download consists of 2 mp3 recordings. You’ll get: Stop Smoking Program Instructions  (Length 5 min.) Stop Smoking Hypnosis Session  (Length 27 min.)
    • Individual Results Vary