Stop Anxiety & Panic Attacks

  • STOP A PANIC ATTACK IN SECONDS! Guided Imagery for the “Bring It On Baby Technique (Length 20 minutes) Learn how talk to your panic to put the brakes on a severe attack in usually less than 20 seconds. * This is a difficult technique to master because it goes against logic. This hypnotic recording makes it easy.  It uses deep relaxation and guided imagery to help you feel confident in performing this mental exercise.   It is highly recommended that you perform the 5:7  Breathing Technique, immediately after stopping an anxiety or panic attack, with the “Bring It On Baby”, in order to completely engage your Relaxation Response, through the parasympathetic nervous system. * Results Vary
  • STOP PANIC & ANXIETY ATTACKS FAST Guided Deep Breathing Reinforcement (Length 12 min.) Learn a breathing technique for quickly achieving a calm state. The voice guides your breathing with a slow count, while special sound effects help to create a very relaxed mind and body.  During your listening experience, a voice softly repeats affirmations through your left ear, to improve your self confidence in controlling your anxiety. *Results Vary